• A few ornaments.

  • In other news I just now figured out that no one sees it when I favorite a post! No problem, I’ll just actually comment and let you know I think you’re being awesome from now on.

  • This may not look like much but it’s 20 handmade gift bags 15 of which are filled with handmade gifts. This was a much larger undertaking than I had first imagined. I may never do it again, but I’m incredibly satisfied to have finished!

  • About twice a year yoga teachers or people who hold events at the yoga studio I manage send me pictures of hand written descriptions of events they want me to help promote. It used to be annoying but now I find it amusing if not a little charming.

  • I have an aunt who sends every text in gentle effect. Every single one. It has to be on purpose right? She can’t be doing this by mistake. Right? I’m honestly asking. She is not tech savvy, but maybe has finally gained a sense of humor.

  • I’m fighting a nasty head cold and sore throat and my partner is struggling with bipolar symptoms, today he’s in a manic phase. The best we can do on days like this is attend to our own self care and be very gentle with each other when we cross paths.

  • Last night I had a dream I was sitting next to Neil Gaimen at comic con, then storm troopers showed up to arrest everyone and another random dream person planted his weed on me.

  • I find myself in the midst of a Vali Myers deep dive after hearing Penny Arcade interview where she talked about their friendship. www.valimyerstrust.com/art/

  • Good news on the Chemical Sensitivity front, I’ve been going almost complete mask free for a few weeks now. I can’t express how free I feel! After a few years of working on underlying health issues my most recent step forward is limbic system retraining.

  • Woo Hoo, I have insurance next year. After many calls to MNsure, I finally found someone who could help. Persistance has won the day and instead of costing more than I can afford to pay, I will actually be paying a little less next year. What a relief!

  • Cozy evening.

  • Anyone else an adrienne marree brown fan? Her work really resonates with me! 📚

  • My first attempt at amigurumiis this Unicorn named Gwendolyn. She’s created for my niece Annika. The song kind of explains it all. And for you @ttscoff fans out there one of him being lovably rediculous.


  • Lately Lulu has been folding over her bed and laying behind it. Thinking she was cold I put a blanket over her, you can see how she responded.

  • Test baby booty. There’s a few issues in the heal but I learned a lot from this one it will go better next time… and anyhow it’s adorable.

  • Recently my some of my yoga students from 3 different locations in rural SE MN came together for a mini retreat. It was such a treat to introduce them to each other. And I am beat. These things take so much energy but they’re worth it.

  • New scarf finished, it’s called the Hitchhiker because there are 42 of those little teeth along one edge. 🧶

  • 📚Currently listening to Fledgling by Octavia Butler, currently reading No Matter the Wreckage Poems by Sarah Kay. Took a break to kind of clean off a table to pale this pic. That’s all good night.

  • Am I the only one who checks Ravelry several times a day to get to see the new patterns?

  • I’m listening to Kindred by Octavia Butler on Audible and it’s hard to pull myself away to get any work done.

  • My office is finally organized just the way I want it. Space to work in front of a window looking out over a garden, space for yoga, space for naps. I am in heaven. It even makes good use of my Moms old secretary desk I inherited. It’s not fancy by any means but it’s the best use of space I’ve ever pulled off.

  • I attended a short silent retreat yesterday and I took from it this nugget. “There is more right with you than wrong with you” Jon Kabat-Zinn

  • Valentine’s Day snowshoe turns into snow angels. Or what @ttscoff@nojack.easydns.ca does on his afternoon break :)


  • Finally got a new post up talking about what’s going on with my health. ellenewman.com/2019/02/w…

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