Just finished these socks tonight, I believe I’ll sleep in them.
Giving this a try! 🧶
New loves.
Last minute planning for Macstock online. Brett and I will share the process we use for recording yoga video on a low budget. Necessity being the inspiration for our creativity. macstockconferenceandexpo.com/macstock-…
Ginger Roobios sun tea brewing while I get ready to steep some chia inspired immunitea with Astalagus, Rose Hips, Ginger, Fennel, Black Pepper, and Cloves. It’s that kind of self care Saturday.
What was once our dining room has turned into yoga nook where I teach all my classes from.
Our stickers came today! Thanks @Macgenie!!!
So I have to figure out how to choose which blog posts I write get posted to microblog. I know it has to do with tabs, I know I can do it… I have been very busy. All of this is by way of saying sorry the updates for my yoga students keep showing up in your time line!
Meal of choice for a cat with oral cancer given just weeks to live: Greenies! For those not in the know they are crunchy snacks that supposedly help clean teeth. Silly me, I’ve been offering him soft canned food.
This guy.
We found out we’re loosing Clovis today. What we thought was a gum infection is actually oral cancer.
Lulu taking this stay at home thing in stride.
A couple of weeks ago I would cringe when Brett would post a cute picture with something messy in the background because Ive got deep habits of hiding my messy sides. Now I am shooting yoga videos (another thing I have resisted for years!) in my dining room and putting them up on the internet so my students have a familiar practice during this time. I’ll say one thing for this situation, it is doing wonders for my ability to let go of perfectionism!
Life these days.
Realizing I really should have written the catch everyone up post before things changed again! Ah well. Today, I’m figuring out how to record my yoga classes and make them available to my students.
Two important mentors of mine passed away this week. It feels like doors closing. I wasn’t in close contact with either of them but it feels very strange not to have them a phone call away if I needed them.
Raoul the River Giant
🧶Mukluks. My first attempt at something sock-like. A little late for a Christmas gift but no ones complaining.
Oh the big difference a little context makes.
I thought I was having a very big reaction to some spider bites which makes me feel concerned about my immune system. Not to mention feeling freaked out that a wolf spider was loose in my home while I had no energy for the deep cleaning my house obviously needed.
Turns out I have shingles. So instead of my immune system handling something small badly, it’s handling something big, actually quite well. Compared to an average outbreak of shingles my symptoms are mild. Which believe me, really fills with me with compassion for folks who have worse reactions! And instead of just being bummed that I have no energy and feeling lazy, I am on board with letting myself rest because my body is valiantly fighting off a virus. Today I will nap, not tear apart my house hunting spiders :)
I am a dedicated and consistent with my own journal, however, I am not consistent producing things for others to read, even something as seemingly easy as microblogs. Do any of you struggle with this? Any thoughts or advice?
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